DVCN - Domestic Violence Co-ordinators Network

For all the latest job opportunities

The DVCN is happy to advertise any Domestic Violence related vacancies. Please send all information with the appropriate contact information to admin@dvcn.org.uk. If you have any queries about a vacancy advertised on this website please contact the employing organisation directly.


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28th August 2017

DAHA Development Coordinator for Private Landlords

As a partner in the award winning Domestic Abuse Housing Alliance (DAHA), Standing Together Against Domestic Violence (STADV) seek to appoint a dynamic DAHA Development Coordinator for Private Landlords to develop best practice to address domestic abuse in the private rented sector.  We are seeking a coordinator with a proven track record in project development and management within a partnership context.   

STADV coordinates the ground breaking coordinated community response to domestic violence in West London.  STADV are co-founders, alongside Peabody and Gentoo, in DAHA which was founded in 2014 to promote better practice, policy and research in relation to housing and domestic abuse.

This post will initiate and implement a range of activities to promote best practice to safely address domestic abuse within the private rented sector.

The post will be based either in STADV London office or if more suitable to the applicant, the offices at Gentoo in Sunderland.   National travel will be required. Part time, job share and secondments are welcome to apply

Salary:     £32,00 to £36,000 depending on experience.
Contract: 2 year Fixed Term
Benefits:  25 days holiday and workplace pension scheme

Interview date:  During the week commencing 4th September 2017

For an applicaiton form click here