DVCN - Domestic Violence Co-ordinators Network

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The DVCN organises a variety of training and other events throughout the year on subjects highlighted by our members. There is also a section for general domestic violence related events being organised around the country. If you have any events you wish to promote please contact us via enquiries@dvcn.org.uk


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18th July 2018

Raising Healthy Children in a Porn Culture: Challenges and Solutions

No doubt, it’s a hard time to be a child. Teens today are bombarded with difficult and ever-changing sexual messages. As a result, it has never been more challenging to parent or mentor kids into healthy adulthood.

As their access to technology widens, young people internalize sexualized messaging which affects their behavior, attitudes, expectations, brain development, and undermines their capacity to build healthy relationships.


  • You will better understand the impact of porn on brain functioning, emotional and social development, and the long term health risks

  • You will leave with a practical toolkit for helping kids navigate this toxic digital culture

  • You will be introduced to Culture Reframed's robust online Parents Program that helps parents, educators and healthcare providers build resilience and resistance in young people to hypersexualized porn culture.

This event is open to all but will be of particular interest to Safeguarding Professionals, Educators, Health Staff and those working in the VAWG sector.

For more information and to sign up to the event click here. 

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