DVCN - Domestic Violence Co-ordinators Network

For all the latest job opportunities

The DVCN is happy to advertise any Domestic Violence related vacancies. Please send all information with the appropriate contact information to admin@dvcn.org.uk. If you have any queries about a vacancy advertised on this website please contact the employing organisation directly.


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10th July 2018

Domestic Abuse Coordinator - Chelsea & Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

We seek to appoint a dynamic Project Coordinator with a proven track record in project development and partnership working with a strong understanding of the Coordinated Community Response (CCR).

Standing Together coordinates the ground breaking multi-agency response to domestic abuse (DA).  Our work is recognised nationally and we continue to influence local and national policy and practice by initiating and driving innovative projects. 

Our key mission is to work with agencies within the CCR framework to provide safer options for survivors and their children, ensuring that their perspectives are at the centre of service planning and delivery. We also aim to improve the way agencies respond to perpetrators, in particular in holding them to account for their abuse.

This exciting new role will focus on developing and supporting the domestic abuse response across two key London Health Trusts and will involve engaging health professionals; building capacity and best practice; training staff around identification and responses to DA; coordinating of the steering group; and disseminating key learning between the two Trusts.

Interview date: Wednesday 25th July 2018


For any queries, please contact us by email or telephone

Posted on: 22 June 2018

Closing date: 10 July 2018

For more information click here. 
