DVCN - Domestic Violence Co-ordinators Network

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22nd May 2014

Government is consulting on new fund to sustain voluntary sector

The UK government has opened a consultation on a proposed sustainability fund to support voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) organisations. The fund, which will open to applications in 2015, will provide medium-sized organisations with the support they need to plan for the long term and begin to move to sustainable business models. The fund will look particularly at supporting organisations working with the most vulnerable and disadvantaged members of society.

The government is seeking people’s views to help design and implement the fund and are interested in hearing from front-line as well as infrastructure VCSE organisations, funders and providers of business development support to the sector.

WRC will be responding to this consultation and we encourage other women’s organisations to do so as well. WRC are currently preparing a template for responses, which they will disseminate in June should you wish to use this in your response.

Click here to access the consultation. Deadline for responses is midnight, 24th July.

13th March 2013

WRC's response to MoJ consultation 'Transforming Rehabilitation'

The Ministry of Justice (MoJ) recently consulted on its proposals to radically reform the way probation services are delivered

5th March 2013

Incorporating women's health needs into Joint Strategic Needs Assessment

'Better Health for Women: How to incorporate women's health needs into JSNAs and Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategies'
