DVCN - Domestic Violence Co-ordinators Network

Keep up-to-date with the latest news and information here.

22nd September 2014

Rosa's FGM Small Grants Programme Round 3

Rosa is proud to announce the opening of our third small grants funding round aimed at tackling Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in the UK.

Applications are open from Monday 21 July 2014 and will close on Monday 22 September 2014.

Funding decisions will be announced during the week beginning 10 November 2014.

Funded by Comic Relief, in Round 3, we will make an estimated 8-10 grants of between £500 and £5,000 to voluntary and community organisations for projects tackling FGM across the UK.

Grants will be available for training, mentoring, research, networking, and delivering advice, support, and awareness-raising services.

More details about the FGM Small Grants Programme-Round 3 are available here. 

Contact their office for any inquiries.

Please download the Guidance notes and Application Form

3rd June 2014

Solace launches new research demonstrating the long term impact of domestic violence

Solace Women's Aid has launched the findings of a 3 year research project

22nd May 2014

Global campaign to end stigma towards sexual and reproductive health and rights

New global campaign calling to world leaders to support people's basic sexual and reproductive rights
