DVCN - Domestic Violence Co-ordinators Network

Keep up-to-date with the latest news and information here.

8th August 2014

MA in Understanding Domestic Violence and Sexual Abuse

This fantastic new course at Goldsmiths University in London is unique in synthesising a range of psychological and social theories to examine the impact of being abusive or being abused. Over the course, students will look at practice and research from these theoretical perspectives and will consider abusiveness and its impact in different international, cultural and social contexts from childhood to older age. 

Visit their website for more information

25th March 2014

Northamptonshire domestic violence refuges reprieved until September 2014

The planned closure of refuges that protect female domestic abuse victims in Northamptonshire has been halted

25th March 2014

CSW calls for a stand-alone goal on gender equality and womens rights

Over the last two weeks, women have been defending their rights at the United Nations 58th Commission on the Status of Women
