DVCN - Domestic Violence Co-ordinators Network

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8th August 2014

Responses to government debate on 'revenge pornography'

Two responses to government plans to consider the issue of 'revenge pornography' are being disseminated in advance of upcoming parliamentary debates.

Revenge Pornography: Briefing prepared by Professor Clare McGlynn and Professor Erika Rackley
Durham Law School, Durham University (July 2014)

EVAW Briefing on Pornography and Violence Against Women and Girls
End Violence Against Women (EVAW) (July 2014)

4th January 2013

EU's women on board plans a 'door opener' for gender equality

Commission Vice-President Viviane Reding says the controversy surrounding the EU's women on board proposals has helped to shine a spotlight

4th January 2013

Not all domestic violence leaves physical scars - psychological intimidation and extreme jealousy can be just as serious

The domestic violence charity Refuge found that 75 per cent of the women in their safe houses had experienced extreme jealousy
