DVCN - Domestic Violence Co-ordinators Network

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16th April 2015

Mandatory Reporting of Female Genital Mutilation

On 12 February the Home Office announced that front line professionals will have a mandatory duty to report cases of female genital mutilation (FGM). Click here for more on this.

The Government has tabled amendments to the Serious Crime Bill to ensure the new duty is legislated for ahead of the dissolution of Parliament. The government has also included a measure to provide multi-agency statutory guidance for front line professionals.

The move follows a public consultation which sought views from a wide range of professionals, community groups, survivors and law enforcement on how a mandatory reporting duty could work and who it should apply to.

23rd October 2018

Making Places Work for Women

Agenda launches a new report

23rd October 2018

Relationship and Sex Education

Relationship and Sex Education consultation response by EVAW
