DVCN - Domestic Violence Co-ordinators Network

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16th April 2015

Training Resource For Mental Health Staff on Routine Enquiry into Violence and Abuse

Over half of inpatients in mental health have experienced some form of violence or abuse in their lives, which they believe to be related to their condition but is seldom acknowledged. Routine enquiry in mental health care has been a Department of Health policy since 2006. This online training course for trainers incorporates the evidence base from Department of Health policy research o responding to violence and abuse. Used locally, it introduce mental health practitioners to the practice of routinely and sensitively having conversations during mental health assessments about client whether clients have experienced violence or abuse at any point in their lives so that they may be provided with a trauma-focused approach to their care and supported Appropriately.

For more information click here.

7th February 2017

What works for women facing multiple disadvantage?

Agenda and AVA (Against Violence and Abuse) are working together to map what service provision there is for women across the country.

3rd February 2017

Sounds Familiar Report, The Fawcett Society

New report from the Fawcett Society reveals hostility, complacency and blame culture against women.
