DVCN - Domestic Violence Co-ordinators Network

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30th April 2015

Survey on the Women's Vote at the General Election

The purpose of this short survey to find out about whether women have common concerns and interests regarding the General Election on 7 May 2015.

We hope the results will be provide a snapshot of women’s priorities for women’s issues and future government.

The survey is divided it into 4 parts.

The first is about women’s issues – a women’s vote.

The second is about how things have changed in the past 5 years.

The third part is about your voting intentions.

There is an open comment question at the end of these three parts.

The fourth and final part is to collect information about the age, ethnic identity, etc., of those who take part.

Please note answers submitted online will be anonymous.

We intend to publish the results of the survey before 7 May 2015, so we will close the survey on Tuesday 5 May 2015 at 9pm.

If you want to discuss the issues raised (as well as those not covered) by this survey, we have set up a facebook page for those interested to share ideas and arguments! 

Please click on the “like” button on this page and then you can join the discussion on Facebook

To complete the survey please click here.

If you have difficulty with completing forms online please contact Women's Grid and we will send you a paper copy to complete.

Many thanks for agreeing to take part and please do share this with your networks or groups.

Reminder – the survey will close on Tuesday 5 May 2015 at 9pm.

27th November 2017

More than a quarter of UK women experiencing online abuse and harassment receive threats of physical or sexual assault

Amnesty International research shows high rates of online abuse

27th November 2017

SafeLives national briefing on children living with domestic abuse

At the time they start school, at least one child in every class will have been living with domestic abuse since they were born
