DVCN - Domestic Violence Co-ordinators Network

Keep up-to-date with the latest news and information here.

20th January 2016

Hidden Hurt - violence, abuse and disadvantage in the lives of women

This report provides evidence that women who experience the most extensive abuse and violence (both as children and adults) are more likely to face other adverse circumstances in their lives such as poor mental and physical health, disability, and substance misuse, poverty, debt, poor housing, and homelessness. It presents a picture of the scale of violence and abuse these women face, the nature of their experiences, and how their
life chances differ from the rest of the population.


Agenda is a new alliance of organisations and invididuals who have come together to campaign for change for women and girls at risk.  They believe society is failing to adequately protect and support women and girls who face the most extensive violence, abuse, trauma and extreme inequlity.

7th February 2017

What works for women facing multiple disadvantage?

Agenda and AVA (Against Violence and Abuse) are working together to map what service provision there is for women across the country.

3rd February 2017

Sounds Familiar Report, The Fawcett Society

New report from the Fawcett Society reveals hostility, complacency and blame culture against women.
