DVCN - Domestic Violence Co-ordinators Network

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20th January 2017

Judges change court rules on child contact for violent fathers

Reforms aim to end presumption that a father must have contact with a child when there is evidence of domestic abuse. Senior judges are taking steps to end the presumption that a father must have contact with a child where there is evidence of domestic abuse that would put the child or mother at risk.

The reforms are to be introduced in the family courts after campaigning by the charity Women’s Aid, which identified that 19 children have been killed in the last 10 years by their violent fathers after being given contact with them by judges. The changes include a demand from one of the most senior family court judges for all the judiciary to have further training on domestic violence and to act to ensure women and children are protected. Mr Justice Cobb announced the changes on Friday after talks with Women’s Aid.

Please click here for full article. 


16th April 2015

Training Resource For Mental Health Staff on Routine Enquiry into Violence and Abuse

Online training course for trainers on routine enquiry in a mental health setting.

16th April 2015

Mandatory Reporting of Female Genital Mutilation

Front line professionals will have a mandatory duty to report cases of FGM.
