DVCN - Domestic Violence Co-ordinators Network

Keep up-to-date with the latest news and information here.

7th February 2017

Disrespect NoBody Campaign

The Home Office has published a number of posters in support of the Disrespect NoBody campaign, which helps young people to understand what a healthy relationship is.  A campaign brief, which provides further information on support resources, is available by emailing VAWGCampaigns@homeoffice.gsi.gov.uk. The posters are available here.

13th April 2015

Change that Lasts: Transforming Responses to Domestic Abuse

Women's Aid have developed some key principles that are underpinning their thinking in developing a new approach to responding to DV

13th April 2015

A literature review for a new cross-sector model for effective responses to domestic violence and abuse

Literature review highlighting opportunities for more effective responses to domestic abuse.
