DVCN - Domestic Violence Co-ordinators Network

Keep up-to-date with the latest news and information here.

7th February 2017

Disrespect NoBody Campaign

The Home Office has published a number of posters in support of the Disrespect NoBody campaign, which helps young people to understand what a healthy relationship is.  A campaign brief, which provides further information on support resources, is available by emailing VAWGCampaigns@homeoffice.gsi.gov.uk. The posters are available here.

22nd May 2014

Government is consulting on new fund to sustain voluntary sector

The UK government has opened a consultation on a proposed sustainability fund to support VCSE organisations.

26th March 2014

Hull Rape Crisis saved after local PCC provides additional funding for two years

The centre in Hull which helps victims of sexual assault in Hull has been saved from closure.
