DVCN - Domestic Violence Co-ordinators Network

Keep up-to-date with the latest news and information here.

7th February 2017

Disrespect NoBody Campaign

The Home Office has published a number of posters in support of the Disrespect NoBody campaign, which helps young people to understand what a healthy relationship is.  A campaign brief, which provides further information on support resources, is available by emailing VAWGCampaigns@homeoffice.gsi.gov.uk. The posters are available here.

4th March 2014

Government wage incentive scheme places 18-24 year olds in 'gateway' sex industry jobs - Object

The government is falling short of its commitment to protect jobseekers from feeling pressured into work in the sex industry

4th March 2014

Save Exeter Refuge - The Exeter refuge is set to close in March 2014!

It has been confirmed that the current provider of refuge and outreach DV services in Exeter and East Devon was unsuccessful in its bid
