Polly Neate, Chief Executive of Women’s Aid, said: “We are relieved and delighted by the news today that we have secured critical cross-party support for our historic call for a separate funding model for refuges. This has been set out in the report, published today by the Work and Pensions and Communities and Local Government Select Committees, following their joint inquiry into the future of the supported housing sector. In particular, we welcome the fact that it is recognised that refuges must be able to operate as a national network; many women need to flee local authority boundaries for their own safety. In fact, the Women’s Aid Annual Survey 2016 found that two thirds of women and children in refuge fled from a different area. If they are unable to do this, more will die.”
“We welcome the recommendation that Government works with us and our members to devise a new and separate funding solution to that of the rest of the supported housing sector. We look forward to working closely with the new Government after the election to do this. The new funding model will go a long way towards helping the Government meet the targets of its ambitious VAWG strategy, as well as fulfilling the obligations set out in the Istanbul Convention. It could be the step change we need to save women’s lives – and with two women a week being killed on average by a partner or ex-partner in England and Wales, this could not come a moment too soon.”
The Femicide Census has been developed out of an urgent need to address the reality of fatal male violence against women.
Shocking new research out from Silvia Walby from Lancaster University