We are asking people to register their concern about the proposed funding cuts by London Council’s to specialist domestic violence, rape and abuse services delivered by Ashiana Network, ELBWO, EACH, Southall Black Sisters and Women and Girls Network.
The proposed cuts will mean that almost 2000 BAME women per annum from across 24 London boroughs will lose access to these highly reputable, trusted, specialist, life saving services which have been
developed to meet the specific needs of the women and children they support.
The loss of these key services would have an adverse effect on BAME women and children.
Take 1 minute of your time to sign our petition: http://www.petitionbuzz.com/petitions/specialistservices and ask others to do the same.
You can also support our services by completing the online consultation and asking that our services are re-categorised as A*. http://www.londoncouncils.gov.uk/services/grants/supplementaryconsultation.htm
The closing date for responses is 17.00 on Friday, 8th April 2011
Please see the following message from the GLA Gender Violence and Partnerships Team, and the DVCN response
The government has scrapped its job post dedicated to combating the subjection of women and girls from the UK to FGM