DVCN - Domestic Violence Co-ordinators Network

Keep up-to-date with the latest news and information here.

13th April 2011

New guidance for teachers to tackle violence against women and domestic abuse

The Welsh Assembly Government has launched new online guidance, "Teaching about Violence Against Women and Domestic Abuse", which is available on their Personal and Social Education guidance website.

The guidance is designed to support teachers in order to deliver the Assembly Government's key priority under "The Right to be Safe" VAW strategy, of preventing and raising awareness of violence against women and domestic abuse.

The guidance supplements a previous WAG publication, "Information and Guidance on Domestic Abuse: Safeguarding Children and Young People in Wales" (March 2010).

3rd April 2013

Changes to Legal Aid - Welsh Women's Aid (WWA) and Women's Aid England Response

WWA, Women's Aid England and Rights of Women identify ways to effectively respond to changes in Legal Aid.

3rd April 2013

Welsh Women's Aid (WWA) response to South Wales Police being investigated for handling of crimes relating to violence against women

IPCC investigates South Wales Police’s handlings of VAW cases.
