DVCN - Domestic Violence Co-ordinators Network

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11th April 2011

Papers call for July conference on psychology of women

The conference, from 13-15 July 2011 at Cumberland Lodge in Windsor, is focusing on topics including feminism and the psychosocial, feminism and innovative methods and feminist reflections on evidence-based practice.

Keynote speakers include Professor Jan Burns from Canterbury Christ Church University, Professor Michelle Fine from City University of New York and Dr Gail Lewis from the Open University.

The date for submissions is 30 April and the conference welcomes submissions on themes including: gender, mental health, women’s health, feminist theory, masculinities, sexualities, qualitative and innovative methodologies, disability, culture and racism. All will be peer reviewed.

For further information and details about registration see www.bps.org.uk/pows2011, call Ruth Raven at BPS conference office on 0116 252 9555 or e-mail powsconference@bps.org.uk

8th January 2013

Eaves: Women's Groups call for 'Leveson debate' to 'wake up' to harm to women

Eaves, Equality Now, EVAW (End Violence Against Women) and Object gave evidence at the Leveson Inquiry in January

8th January 2013

BBC News: Somerset elderly domestic abuse victims offered help

Increasing the visibility of domestic abuse among the over 50s is planned
