DVCN - Domestic Violence Co-ordinators Network

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22nd January 2013

Is your refuge 'service exempt'? Supported housing and exemption from the Benefit Cap Universal Credit regulations published

The Department for Work and Pensions announced that (in the short term at least) payments for  ‘exempt accommodation’ will be delivered separately from Universal Credit, and that consequently costs for supported housing will be disregarded when calculating the Benefit Cap and that this is reflected in the regulfffations. However scrutiny of the regulations and definition indicates that some refuge services may not count as ‘exempt’ under this definition, in particular because their contract to provide support services may come via their local authority rather than directly from the landlord. Significant numbers of refuge services deliver the service for the local authority where a housing association is the landlord. These refuge services are not ‘exempt’ under the definition and victims using them are unlikely to be able to pay the full rent as well as their living costs. We are exceedingly concerned that this means refuge services won’t be paid the full rent and this loss of income will result in redundancies and closures of refuge services.

Women’s Aid has made representation to Lord Freud (Minister) and is campaigning and lobbying for all refuge services to be exempt.

Women’s Aid is holding two campaign meetings for member services providing refuge services.
At these meetings we will share information with you about the benefit rules, what the rules mean for refuge providers and discuss campaigning activities. They also want to hear your views about welfare reform. The meetings are being held on the below dates, venue and times to be confirmed, and they would urge you to attend if you can.

London, 30th January 2013
Manchester, 31st January 2013

To confirm your attendance please email Charlie Mathias.

Also, watch out for our campaign launch and please join in!

For further information about campaigning and lobbying or to check whether your service counts as ‘exempt’ under the legislation, please contact Marilyn Howard.

8th February 2013

14 February 2013 18:00 ~ One Billion Rising -Bristol Feminist Network

Join them on Thursday 14th Feb to dance and raise our voices to end violence against women and girls.

8th February 2013

14 February 2013 11:00 ~ One Billion Rising - Glasgow Women's Aid 5 February 2013

One In Three Women On The Planet Will Be Raped Or Beaten In Her Lifetime.
