DVCN - Domestic Violence Co-ordinators Network

Keep up-to-date with the latest news and information here.

15th January 2013

26 January 2013 13:00 ~ FREE Violence Against Disabled Women Presentation - WiseWomen Glasgow in partnership with GCVS

Saturday, 26 January 2013
13:00 until 15:00
The Albany Centre, 44 Ashley Street, Glasgow G3 6DS

For people interested in issues surrounding discrimination, violence and abuse as well as projects working with disabled people.

In 2010 Wise Women completed a 2 year project working with women who have physical / sensory impairments and long term health conditions. The aim of this work was to provide disabled women with full and equal access to Personal Safety Courses addressing the additional and different types of violence, abuse and crime Disabled Women specifically encounter.

A full report was published in 2010 recording women’s experiences, the barriers they face when seeking support, the impact on physical, emotional and social health and accompanies a 40 minute power point presentation of these findings.

Check https://www.facebook.com/events/436451406425913/?ref=3&suggestsessionid=10562252501357656597

19th March 2013

Briefing: evidencing the need for independent black and minority ethnic violence against women and girls services

Imkaan Women's Aid Capacity Building Partnership

15th March 2013

Trauma services for survivors of domestic and sexual violence

A large percentage of DV survivors will experience some mental health problems: There are NHS services which can help listed here.
