DVCN - Domestic Violence Co-ordinators Network

Keep up-to-date with the latest news and information here.

22nd January 2013

Quiz night 25th January 2013!- London

Give your Brain a work-out and have a fabulous time  at the Woman's Trust Fundraising Quiz Night

Quiz Night

25th January 2013

(Doors open at 7pm,we start 8pm sharp)

The Bear

2 St John's Square



5 minutes walk from Farringdon Station

(Circle, Metropolitan, Hammersmith & City lines and British rail)

and a short walk from many bus routes

Tickets £20 (includes food)

Teams of up to 8 people. Please tell them when booking if you are happy to team up with others on the night.

For tickets e-mail events@womanstrust.org.uk or phone 0207 034 0303

5th March 2013

Iceland seeks to ban Internet pornography

Iceland is looking to take a huge step towards battling violence against women

25th February 2013

7 March 2013 18:00 ~ International Women's Day Lecture: 'How Shall we Live? - Stoke-on-Trent

Joanna Yarrow, writer; broadcaster and campaigner; expert in sustainable lifestyles and Director of Beyond Green, will deliver a lecture,
