Anglia Ruskin University Community Engagement From 5.30 to 7.00pm at Lord Ashcroft Building, Anglia Ruskin University, East Road, Cambridge CB1 1PT Film screening of Peace Unveiled with Q&A Part of the ‘Women, War & Peace’ documentary series. An inspiring film about women’s rights in Afghanistan: "peace and justice can’t come at the cost of women and women’s lives". With introduction by Chitra Nagarajan, Director of Gender Action for Peace and Security.
To book your ticket for the film screening go to and for further information please call 01223 332286. See also 9 March 2013 9:30 ~ Generations of Strength - IWD Community Day - Anglia Ruskin Cambridge
CWASU are conducting a research into young people's thoughts on giving and asking for sexual consent
Lack of training on the warning signs identified as barrier to alerting authorities.