DVCN - Domestic Violence Co-ordinators Network

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25th February 2013

7 March 2013 18:00 ~ International Women's Day Lecture: 'How Shall we Live? - Stoke-on-Trent

Joanna Yarrow, writer; broadcaster and campaigner; expert in sustainable lifestyles and Director of Beyond Green, will deliver a lecture, which examines the urgent rationale for living differently in the 21st Century.

The environmental & social imperatives for a mainstream shift to a lower carbon, more sustainable way of life have never been clearer. But how can we achieve the scale of change required in the necessary timeframe? Will technology really save the day?

In this lecture Joanna examines the urgent rationale for living differently in the 21st century & the links between well-being & environmentally sustainable behaviours.

Drawing on experience of working in business, development & the media, Joanna offers some suggestions about how to motivate the mainstream towards sustainable living – from place-making principles to communications & engagement.

17:45 Arrival and Registration
18:00 Welcome – Professor Michael Gunn Vice-Chancellor
18:05 “How Shall We Live?” Joanna Yarrow
19:00 Q and A
19:15 Closing Remarks

Venue: Lecture Theatre, The Science Centre, Leek Road Campus, Stoke-on-Trent, ST4 2DF

If you would like to attend this event please contact: Corporate Events Tel: 01782 295860 Email: public@staffs.ac.uk

Check for updates at http://www.centreofscience.com/events/how-shall-we-live/

13th April 2011

New guidance for teachers to tackle violence against women and domestic abuse

The Welsh Assembly Government has launched new online guidance

13th April 2011

WWA reveals true extent of domestic abuse in Wales on 100th Anniversary of International Women's Day

Welsh Women’s Aid revealed the shocking extent of domestic abuse across Wales.
