DVCN - Domestic Violence Co-ordinators Network

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5th March 2013

Iceland seeks to ban Internet pornography

Iceland is looking to take a huge step towards battling violence against women by banning internet pornography. Iceland is known for being radically progressive but Halla Gunnarsdóttir, adviser to the Minister of the Interior Ögmundur Jónasson, says this is not a matter of progressiveness, but of gender equality. 

Through major studies and research, Iceland recognizes the detrimental effects that porn has on not only views towards women, but relationships, children, porn addiction, and more. Whether a ban on porn can work in practise, and whether it can make a difference in tackling violence against women, remains to be seen.

8th January 2013

Eaves: Women's Groups call for 'Leveson debate' to 'wake up' to harm to women

Eaves, Equality Now, EVAW (End Violence Against Women) and Object gave evidence at the Leveson Inquiry in January

8th January 2013

BBC News: Somerset elderly domestic abuse victims offered help

Increasing the visibility of domestic abuse among the over 50s is planned
