DVCN - Domestic Violence Co-ordinators Network

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5th March 2013

Incorporating women's health needs into Joint Strategic Needs Assessment

The Women’s Health and Equality Consortium (WHEC) have launched ‘Better Health for Women: How to incorporate women’s health needs into Joints Strategic Needs Assessments and Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategies’. This document is intended to support health and well-being boards to improve health outcomes for women and girls by offering vital information, evidence and examples of good practice for undertaking Joint Strategic Needs Assessments (JSNAs) and developing Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategies (JHWSs).

JSNAs and JHWSs must assess and aim to meet the needs at the local level and there are particular issues that impact on women and girls’ health and wellbeing that need to be taken into account if services are to be effective for everyone.

You can find the full report here.


4th January 2013

EU's women on board plans a 'door opener' for gender equality

Commission Vice-President Viviane Reding says the controversy surrounding the EU's women on board proposals has helped to shine a spotlight

4th January 2013

Not all domestic violence leaves physical scars - psychological intimidation and extreme jealousy can be just as serious

The domestic violence charity Refuge found that 75 per cent of the women in their safe houses had experienced extreme jealousy
