DVCN - Domestic Violence Co-ordinators Network

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13th March 2013

Revised information on Police and Crime Commissioners funding

The Safer Future Communities have previously advised, on the basis of information from the Home Office, that the Police and Crime Commissioners Community Safety Funds are ring-fenced from their wider policing budget. The Home Office has now sent the following revised information:

"The CSF is un-ringfenced, which means PCCs have total freedom to use it as they wish. However, the PCC role is much wider than just policing, and PCCs will be seeking to establish their wider crime prevention role. This is evidenced through the announcements many have made already on community safety priorities and ideas."

This makes it even more important that we make the case for the role of the Voluntary and Community organisations in addressing local community safety needs in order to ensure that the Community Safety Fund is not diverted.

The Safer Future Communities has now also produced a briefing on the links between PCCs and health commissioning, which you can access here.

9th April 2013

A Call To End Violence Against Women And Girls: UK Government Action Plan 2013

Action plan providing an overview of the UK Government's activities to tackle VAWG.

8th April 2013

Respect Toolkit for work with male victims of domestic violence - second edition February 2013

Respect toolkit now available for professionals working with men experiencing domestic violence.
