DVCN - Domestic Violence Co-ordinators Network

Keep up-to-date with the latest news and information here.

10th April 2013

National Stalking Awareness Day - 18th of April 2013

What is National Stalking Awareness Day?

National Stalking Awareness Day exists to raise awareness about the crime of stalking. This year it will be held on the 18th of April, 2013. Each year we have a different ‘theme’ and because of the recent stalking law changes, this year’s focus will be ‘Know the Law, Use the Law’. Currently the law is slightly different in England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland but importantly stalking behaviour is against the law across the UK. We want everyone affected by stalking to know that there is help available and that they are not alone.

Click here for more information on the conference - 'Know the Law, Use the Law - they are holding this year on the 18th of April; for access to resources; and for a stalking helpline.

4th March 2014

Government wage incentive scheme places 18-24 year olds in 'gateway' sex industry jobs - Object

The government is falling short of its commitment to protect jobseekers from feeling pressured into work in the sex industry

4th March 2014

Save Exeter Refuge - The Exeter refuge is set to close in March 2014!

It has been confirmed that the current provider of refuge and outreach DV services in Exeter and East Devon was unsuccessful in its bid
