DVCN - Domestic Violence Co-ordinators Network

Keep up-to-date with the latest news and information here.

5th April 2013

Respect: Survey on what interventions there are across the UK for people using intimate partner violence

Respect is doing some research on what interventions there are across the UK for people using intimate partner violence - which includes programmes and also interventions other than domestic violence programmes. This might be a Family Intervention Project (FIP), a couples counselling service which takes couples with ongoing domestic violence, family group conferencing, substance misuse programmes, other interventions run by social services or mental health projects - anything at all. They will be using this information to brief the Home Office about where the gaps are in services working with perpetrators and also to help us to plan how we support our members in training and development. 

Click here to take the survey

25th March 2014

Petition the Law Society: Withdraw your guidance legitimising discrimination against women, non-Muslims, and "illegitimate" and adopted children

Petition by Lawyers Secular Society

25th March 2014

Women on the Move Awards: celebrating the contribution of migrant and refugee women

Every year we are inspired by the stories of courage, perseverance and leadership of the Woman and Young Woman of the Year.
