DVCN - Domestic Violence Co-ordinators Network

Keep up-to-date with the latest news and information here.

30th April 2013

Survey: Interventions working with domestic violence perpetrators

Respect is carrying out national research on the types of interventions working with domestic violence perpetrators across the UK. This could be a domestic violence group work programme, individual counselling, Family Intervention Project, Restorative Justice, Family group conferencing, couples counselling - anything which you or others in your area are using in work with perpetrators to reduce their abusive behaviour. 

Please take 10 minutes to fill in the survey

14th January 2013

17 January 2013 18:30 ~ Networking awareness raising - Eaves - London

Join Eaves for an informal evening of tapas, wine and networking on the Thursday 17th January 2013

14th January 2013

The Independent:Female genital mutilation - unreported, ignored and unpunished

Ten years after new legislation, still no one has been charged
