DVCN - Domestic Violence Co-ordinators Network

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1st May 2013

Announcing a new initiative: promoting recovery-based approaches to VAW in mental health trusts

As the Stella Project's Mental Health Initiative finishes with a number of events around the UK, they are pleased to have received funding from the Department of Health to develop this learning through further work. Over three years, Stella Project Coordinator Jennifer Holly will work strategically with two Mental Health Trusts to develop Trust-wide responses which move beyond managing risk to introduce a recovery-based approach to working with mental health patients who are survivors of violence against women (VAW).
The project will be rigorously evaluated by the Institute of Psychiatry at King's College London focusing on how responses to VAW are fully integrated into Trust services and how this improves the health and wellbeing of patients with experiences of VAW.

19th January 2016

New Year - New Name! - Devon Rape Crisis and Sexual Abuse Services

Formal name change in Devon

22nd May 2015

Missing Children Europe Helpline

Remember this number: 116 000 - and help bring back missing children.
