DVCN - Domestic Violence Co-ordinators Network

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1st May 2013

Launch of educational resource 'Can You See Me'

A ground-breaking new resource has been launched by Women’s Aid in a bid to tackle the problem of domestic violence in teenage relationships.

‘Can you see me? is made up of a 20 minute film and accompanying lesson plans and has been developed in partnership by Women’s Aid, West Mercia Women’s Aid and The Rural Media Company, with funding from The Midcounties Co-operative.

The film explores the concept of teenage relationship abuse by focusing on an unhealthy relationship between two teenagers, Jake and Ellie. Together with the lesson plans, it is available nationwide and free of charge to schools and youth workers - so spread the word!

The DVD and education pack is designed to help young people understand healthy relationships and their rights and responsibilities in a relationship. It will also help them to look out for warning signs and to know where to go for help and to help others.

Midcounties funded the £40,000 education project after supporting Women’s Aid as its charity partner for two years and raising £330,000 for its work.

Schools and domestic violence services can access the education pack via the website

15th January 2013

Worrying Increase in Domestic Violence Across Nottinghamshire and presumably across the UK

"I have read worrying reports in a number of Nottinghamshire news publications...

14th January 2013

21 January 2013 17:00 ~ UN Trust Fund to End Violence Against Women - Application Deadline

The UN Trust Fund to End Violence Against Women is accepting applications for its 17th grant cycle (2012)
