DVCN - Domestic Violence Co-ordinators Network

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3rd May 2013

New report on violence against women and girls

The national organisation DrugScope have just published their new domestic violence report Making the connection: Developing integrated approaches to domestic violence and substance misuse. The report can be accessed here.

The London Councils-funded Domestic Violence project took place over a four-year period, focussing on the "development of a cross-sectoral network bringing together domestic violence and drug and alcohol services."  

25th March 2014

Girls face brutality and exploitation in gang underworld (report from CSJ)

Thousands of British girls and young women are entangled in a brutal gang culture

4th March 2014

AVA user and training survey: an opportunity to win a free place on an AVA training course

Chance to win free place on AVA training simply by completing their questionnaire
