DVCN - Domestic Violence Co-ordinators Network

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22nd August 2013

Domestic Violence Screening for Adults - Women's Aid Consultation

The UK National Screening Committee has launched a review into its policy on screening adults for domestic violence. The current policy position, implemented as a result of a research report commissioned by the National Screening Committee in 2000, is that domestic violence screening is not justified, as there was a lack of evidence to show the benefit of this kind of intervention when balanced against the associated risks. The Consultation aims to ascertain if this position needs to be altered. Women’s Aid is one of four main named policy stakeholders taking part in this review. Click here for more information.

If you would like to input into the response from Women’s Aid please look on the Member’s Area of the Women’s Aid website for more information and contact Sian Hawkins with your views.

Closing date for submissions to Women’s Aid: Friday 22 August

4th March 2014

For women's organisations, a historic step forward towards gender equality with the vote of the European Parliament on the Honeyball resolution

European Parliament recognises that prostitution violates human dignity and human rights.

11th November 2013

Shepherd's Bush Housing Group - Young People's Domestic Violence On-Line Service

Website for young people to chat about their abuse and seek support.
