DVCN - Domestic Violence Co-ordinators Network

Keep up-to-date with the latest news and information here.

20th August 2013

Teen Speak - Have your say where it matters most

Women's Aid are inviting young people across the country to put their questions and suggestions about domestic violence to the most influential people in government, schools, the police and social services. Their answers will be posted on The Hideout on 16th-19th September where interviews with the Children’s Commissioner, Helen Grant (MP),  the National Union of Teachers and  others will be posted for you to watch. Young people will be invited back to post back any comments they might have.

Send this information onto young people right now so they will be able to take this opportunity and be able to ask those question they may have been too afraid to ask to social services, the police, the children’s commissioner, teachers and politicians.

More information can be found on The Hideout - Teenspeak.

27th August 2014

Working with you to keep children safe

NSPCC released new booklet on how to work together to protect children.

8th August 2014

Addressing Modern Day Slavery (Human Trafficking)

An inter-departmental ministerial group on human trafficking acknowledge need to improve training of frontline staff
